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Location: United States

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith

I watched the final installment of the Star Wars saga yesterday. I was not disappointed. For someone who has been an avid fan of the galaxy far, far away, it served up everything: spectacular special effects, the final pieces to the puzzle of Darth Vader's creation, who the evil emperor was, and oodles of light sabre action; not to mention some total kick-ass action from my favorite personality from the series, Yoda.

One of the cool things about spending the summer in Atlanta was the chance to hang out with my buddy from the U of C, Bimmermeister. It was with him and his lovely companion that we went out for the 10pm show of the movie. There was a line at the theatre specifically for the Star Wars movie. We had tons of time to observe a slew of Star Wars fans dressed in miscellaneous costumes prancing around in front of the theatre, brandishing light sabres. It was quite the scene. There was even a 'Darth Vader', very realistic looking, and rather scary.

On another note, I went into the office to get some work done today. It was dead quiet. No one was there, unlike in the previous companies that I worked at, where there were always folks in on the weekend putting in some hours. In any case, the lack of people in the office made for an awfully spooky atmosphere, in which I was scared &**&less many a time by various creaks and groans. Whoever said that I don't have an active imagination.


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