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Location: United States

Friday, July 30, 2004

Home is good

Having spent around three and a half weeks here in India back with the folks, I have gotten completely acclamatized to life here and it's really good to be home! It's a real pity that we have to pick up and leave soon. :(

On another note, I watched bits and pieces of John Kerry's speech last night. I thought he did quite well. Before this, I didn't have an opinion on the guy, but I kind of like him now. I wonder if I'm a democrat or a republican by idealogy? Hmmmm, how do I find out? . The polls indicate that Kerry has the slight edge over Bush. I wonder if he'll be able to widen the gap and actually win the race. A former colleague of mine insists that George W. Bush has already captured (figuratively of course, I'm not sure if he could personally catch a mosquito) Osama and will produce him shortly before the election (and win it thereby). We'll see...


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