So I had written a sizeable blog last week. For some inexplicable reason, it didn't get posted to the website. So I lost the entire posting. So here I am, a week later trying again:
As I mentioned the last time around, life is moving in fast forward at this time. Not that I have any complaints about it. I'm having an absolute blast with all the things that are going on. First, classes are rolling on at full swing. Just as in UC, these professors are taking no prisoners. They're throwing everything but the kitchen sink at us. I wonder why I get this feeling of unbearable amounts of work in school here in the U.S. In India, I always thought that it was quite peaceful in spite of our voluminous syllabi there. .
In the midst of all the academic activity, there's a flurry of extra-curricular stuff too. It seems every club had there inaugural meetings these past two weeks and I've been trying to go for them all. I know, it seems a bit much. But I want to get a feel for each of the clubs to determine which ones I want to invest my time in. So off I went to the Marketing, Finance, General Management, Indus (South Asian), International Business, Fuqua Times......Finally I decided to get involved in General Management, Marketing and the school newspaper, Fuqua Times. Let's see how much of a constraint that puts on my time. If I have time to spare, I'll see about some others too.
This has also been a time of sprucing up resumes. Some of you techies should see my resume now. It looks like a lot of HOT AIR. But having said that, I will also say that it looks like very IMPRESSIVE hot air. Oh well, all said and done, as long as it brings in a job, I couldn't care less what it looks like. :)
The Boss is busy with her advanced Calculus class. I'm being forced to remember some of my calculus when she asks me questions about dot products and cross products of vectors.
Durham is really warm these days. I can't imagine it getting cold in the winter for right now, it feels just like Madras. You will sweat no matter what because of the humidity. Oh, and have I mentioned that this is hurricane country. We dodged three already (Or rather, the storm dodged us) and there another one on its way from Jamaica. Darn it! When we were in Boston, those Canadians kept sending us arctic blasts. Now that we're in Durham, it's those Carribeans with the hurricanes.
This weekend is campout weekend at Duke. So most of my friends are out camping on campus. (One goes to campout to score the opportunity to buy season tickets to the Duke basketball games. If you want to included in the opportunity, you need to give attendance at random time points during a two night and one day time frame). While most graduate students go to campout in tents, the Business School students do it in style - renting RVs, bring big screen tvs, sattelite dishes, massive bbqs and of course generators to run all this stuff. Then it's truly a marathon booze and dance party from Friday night to Sunday morning, interrupted only by the whistles of the attendance call.
When the Boss finishes her calculus homework, we're going to head there to partaaaaay. You guys decide if I'm really going to party!
PS : If you're wondering why I'm not actually doing the campout thing, it's because my back is still rather sore and I'm being overly (as usual) careful.