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Location: United States

Monday, June 06, 2005

Nothing like a good read

So I'm reading a book called "Freedom at Midnight", which gives the reader an account of the events that led to Indian and Pakistani Independence in 1946/1947. It's a fascinating read, going into the details of the various political dynamics that existed at that time. What it also does in a very elegant fashion, is paint a lucid picture of the personality traits of the various characters in this saga. I am assuming that the reseach that went into this book is accurate, and that the facts are correct. And while I haven't completed it, I already feel like I have such a clearer understanding of the issues that were at the forefront in 1947. One more thing that is worth mentioning is the prose that is used in the book to describe scene after scene is very descriptive in a beautiful way. It was very easy to conjure up images of the scenes described due to the sheer ability of the authors to articulate it.

I will comment on the book again after I complete it.

This past weekend, I started exercising again. And lo and behold, my entire body is racked with muscular aches today. The only way to ease the pain away is regularity of exercise, but given the mercurial weather in Atlanta these days, who can tell if I can do so.


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