Middle Age
I was thinking to myself these past few days that I'm a middle aged guy. Well, traditionally, middle age is 30's to 40's, right? So I'm 30. So I'm middle aged. I can't fathom that in my head though. I mean, something just doesn't compute when I try to think about myself as middle aged. I still think I'm a spring chicken. But the signs that this is not the case keep popping up.
For example, when I make a dash to the bus stop to catch a bus, I find there are there these parts of my body that jiggle. I read about these amazing students who've accomplished this, that and the other thing and they've born in the nineties.
Did I mention that my body jiggles all over these days? It's horrible. I keep telling myself that I ought to pull myself into shape. But it's awfully hard to do so when you're restrictred to swimming (which I hate intensely) and walking (which does nearly burn enough calories to be truly effective). It also doesn't help that I love to eat. All of this doesn't lend to what can be called a healthy lifestyle.
Sometimes that's how the cookies crumbles, right?