What's J-Man doing?

Want to know what's happening in my life? Read on...

Location: United States

Monday, March 13, 2006

Spring Cleaning

Okay - so I'm in the middle of cleaning stuff up at home this week. You could think of it as the proverbial Spring Cleaning. However, the rationale for this clean-up jaunt is simply to ensure that we are lean and mean when it May/June swings around and we have to move. You see, the Boss will need to move to Raleigh nearer to NC State. She will be living there for another year, which should culminate in her receiving an American bachelors degree in engineering. Woo hoo! I, have no idea where I will be located right now. My company's HR personnel have yet to inform me of the location of my first rotation. But in any case, having things tidied up at home will make the move to wherever a heck of a lot easier.

Today, I just got through our store room, my tool kit, the medicine cabinet and the bathroom closet. Things seem better arranged and stored away in little labeled boxes. I hope that this will make things easier on us later.

Did I mention that I like to clean stuff? It gives me quite a bit of pleasure to tidy up, arrange, organize. The Boss says that I'm obsessive compulsive. Perhaps...but whatever flips one's pancakes, right?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sarah P. Duke Gardens

The Boss and I went for a walk to the Sarah P. Duke Gardens today. It was a wonderful day, blue skies and 85 degrees. While the Boss obviously thought that I was up for a romantic walk in the park, I had ulterior motives. I wanted to test drive my new digital SLR. We ended up spending a good two hours at Duke, taking a bunch of portraits and landscapes. It's clear to me that I am desperately out of practice and need to hone my picture taking skills. The new camera is incentive enough to do just that.

With this post, I'm hoping to jump back into the blogging spirit. More to follow...hopefully...